Enjoy our focus group – 21st June and 22nd June 2023

Dear journalists, fact-checkers, communication gatekeepers and media enthusiasts,

We are writing you since we need your help to carry out research to enhance fact-checking and advance media literacy!

In the frame of the EMIF funded project “Leveraging argument technology for impartial factchecking”, we are working on eliciting standards for impartiality and build a user-friendly digital tool to help fact-checkers in the process of information verification.

We would need your help to investigate biases that might affect fact-checking.

Please fill out the form

This form is shared with UK and EU journalists, factcheckers and communication gatekeepers to indicate interest in joining focus groups in the frame of the EMIF funded research project “Leveraging Argument technology for impartial fact-checking”, gathering research teams from the University of Liverpool, LUISS University and the University of Dundee.

The main goal of the project is that of designing an open access digital tool to help fact-checkers and journalists being impartial in crisis scenarios and avoiding biases in news making/verifying.
If you are interested in being considered as a participant of 1 and/or 2 focus groups to be held respectively 21st June 4.00-5.30 CEST and 22nd June 4.00-5.30 CEST on Zoom, please fill out the form below.

Potential participants will be selected to ensure geographic diversity and gender balance and more information will be shared with them about this virtual focus group and to obtain informed consent to participate.

The closing date for this form is June 5th at 11:59 PM CEST.

If you have any questions about this interest form or the overall project, please contact Elena Musi at or Mariavittoria Masotina at
As participants you will get full access to the tool as well as acknowledgment of your participation as co-designers. This project has been reviewed by Liverpool University IRB.

On Key

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Enjoy our focus group – 21st June and 22nd June 2023

In the frame of the EMIF funded project “Leveraging argument technology for impartial factchecking”, we are working on eliciting standards for impartiality and build a user-friendly digital tool to help fact-checkers in the process of information verification