The Tenth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation
(ISSA), held at Leiden University, the Netherlands, from 4-7 July 2023, drew together
around 250 argumentation scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, including AI,
(speech) communication, critical discourse analysis, education, informal logic, law,
linguistics, media studies, philosophy, political science, pragmatics, religious studies,
rhetoric, and more. The Proceedings of the conference reflect the richness and evolution
of our discipline.
The keynote speakers of the Tenth ISSA edition were Isabela Fairclough, Robert
Rowland and Christopher Tindale. Their papers can be found in these Proceedings,
together with the regular papers of 91 other conference participants who submitted their
contributions. The Proceedings start with the keynote papers, and are followed by the
regular papers, arranged in alphabetical order. It should be noted that the contents of
the papers remain the responsibility of the respective authors. Authors are free to submit
their contribution elsewhere
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