Disinformation poses a significant threat to the integrity of European values, undermining democratic processes and influencing voter behavior. This policy brief for the LATIF Project, funded by the European Media and Information Fund, reviews the current state of disinformation threats and policy measures designed to counteract them. It explores the impact of disinformation on the democratic process, highlights trends observed during recent EU elections, and provides an initial set of recommendations for future actions. These recommendations consider innovation and the impact of advanced technologies as means of addressing disinformation. Accordingly, the LATIF project, which aims to develop a tool to detect bias and disinformation, represents a key initiative in this context, leveraging advanced methodologies to enhance the effectiveness of fact-checking and safeguard election integrity. The LATIF project, led by Luiss Datalab in collaboration with the University of Dundee, the University of Liverpool, and T6 Ecosystems, aims to counter disinformation by exploring innovative approaches, in particular leveraging the Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH) methodology in the fact-checking domain. This project seeks to counter and control cognitive bias in the fact-checking process, developing a new digital tool based on ACH. This tool is designed to empower and improve fact-checking organizations’ decision-making processes, promoting impartiality and enhancing public trust in fact-checked information.
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